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Start and Stop Time Tracking Button Javascript

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Create a Stopwatch in JavaScript

Creating a timer is a very simple task. We will only be using variables, functions and THAT'S IT!

HTML code:

              <html>     <head>         <title>JavaScript</title>          <link rel="stylesheet" href="style.css">     </head>     <body>         <div id="stopwatch">             00:00:00         </div>          <ul id="buttons">             <li><button onclick="startTimer()">Start</button></li>             <li><button onclick="stopTimer()">Stop</button></li>              <li><button onclick="resetTimer()">Reset</button></li>         </ul>          <script src="main.js"></script>     </body> </html>                          

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CSS code:

              body {     background: #202020;     color: white; } button {     width: 100px;     height: 30px;     border: 3px soldi white;     border-radius: 50px;     background: #202020;     color: white;     cursor: pointer;     outline: none; }  #stopwatch {     font-size: 100px;     position: absolute;     top: 45%;     left: 50%;     transform: translate(-50%, -55%); } #buttons {     position: absolute;     top: 55%;     left: 48.4%;     transform: translate(-51.6%, -45%); } #buttons li {     display: inline;     padding-left: 10px; }                          

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JavaScript code:

              const timer = document.getElementById('stopwatch');  var hr = 0; var min = 0; var sec = 0; var stoptime = true;  function startTimer() {   if (stoptime == true) {         stoptime = false;         timerCycle();     } } function stopTimer() {   if (stoptime == false) {     stoptime = true;   } }  function timerCycle() {     if (stoptime == false) {     sec = parseInt(sec);     min = parseInt(min);     hr = parseInt(hr);      sec = sec + 1;      if (sec == 60) {       min = min + 1;       sec = 0;     }     if (min == 60) {       hr = hr + 1;       min = 0;       sec = 0;     }      if (sec < 10 || sec == 0) {       sec = '0' + sec;     }     if (min < 10 || min == 0) {       min = '0' + min;     }     if (hr < 10 || hr == 0) {       hr = '0' + hr;     }      timer.innerHTML = hr + ':' + min + ':' + sec;      setTimeout("timerCycle()", 1000);   } }  function resetTimer() {     timer.innerHTML = '00:00:00'; }                          

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As pointed out by 'uthx' in the comments we need to add a function to reset the values of sec, min and hr when resetting the time. We can do that by using the following function (function coded by 'uthx'):

              function resetTimer() {     timer.innerHTML = "00:00:00";     stoptime = true;     hr = 0;     sec = 0;     min = 0; }                          

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Final Result:
Alt Text
(Naturally it works. Tested it myself 😉)


Disclaimer! In the code you may notice it's called a 'timer' and not 'stopwatch', that's because 'timer' is shorter than 'stopwatch' and I don't feel like having to type that all the time 😂.

  • const timer = document.getElementById('stopwatch'); imports the timer 'div' as a variable, using it's id, so we can modify it as we wish.
  • var hr = 0; var min = 0; var sec = 0; we are creating the hour, minute and second variables and we are declaring that their initial value is 0.
  • var stoptime = true; we create a variable so we can then verify if the stopwatch is running or not.
  • if (stoptime == true) { stoptime = false; timerCycle(); } if the stopwatch is not running, turn it on and go to the timerCycle() function. (This only runs if we click the 'Start' button)
  • if (stoptime == false) { stoptime = true; } if the stopwatch is running, turn it off. (This only runs if we click the 'Stop' button)
  • if (stoptime == false) { verify that the stopwatch is on.
  • sec = parseInt(sec); min = parseInt(min); hr = parseInt(hr); these are used to parse a string into an integer. (if we have 1045 as a string and we want to use it as an integer, we parse it)
  • sec = sec + 1; add 1 to seconds.
  • if (sec == 60) { if seconds are equal to 60, minutes = 1 and seconds becomes 0 again.
  • if (min == 60) { if minutes are equal to 60, hours = 1 and seconds + minutes becomes 0 again.
  • Fun part:
              if (sec < 10 || sec == 0) {    sec = '0' + sec; } if (min < 10 || min == 0) {    min = '0' + min; } if (hr < 10 || hr == 0) {    hr = '0' + hr; }                          

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If seconds, minutes and/or hours are lower than 10, add a 0 in front. This is why we need to parse everything in the beginning: doing this operation they become strings.

  • timer.innerHTML = hr + ':' + min + ':' + sec; add these values to the 'timer' div.
  • setTimeout("timerCycle()", 1000); this will make sure there is a timeout of 1000 ms (1s) before repeating the 'timerCycle()'.
  • timer.innerHTML = '00:00:00'; used to reset the timer to 00:00:00


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Start and Stop Time Tracking Button Javascript
